Keen to hold an exhibition or showcase your work? We offer a space at the front of The Department which is available for short term hire for showcasing your product – whether that product is art, sculpture, craft, designs or whatever. We will consider all applications.
How it works:
You are in charge of setting up the showcase area and taking it down at the completion. We charge 35% commission on sales. All sales go through our main check-out area and we will make payments to your account in-line with our regular seller payouts.
Further details and the showcase application form can be found here.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Marguerite Davies – Pottery and platters
White Night 2018
Octavia Gordon
Sarah Hargrave
Art After Dark
Art After Dark
Art After Dark
Isle of Bohemia
QueenB Dolls
Finn & Co Clothing
Karley Skinner Art
Sophie Blokker
White Night 2019
Finn & Co Clothing
White Night 2018
Art After Dark
QueenB Dolls
White Night 2019
Caroline Lawrence Design Showcase
Octavia Gordon
Art After Dark
Art After Dark
QueenB Dolls
Sarah Hargrave Exhibition
Sarah Hargrave
Sarah Hargrave
Sarah Hargrave
Isle of Bohemia
White Night
Heather Nelson
Marguerite Davies
White Night 2018
Tucker Art – Prints and Framed Art
Sarah Hargrave
Art After Dark
White Night
Octavia Gordon
Sophie Blokker
Marguerite Davies – Paintings
White Night 2018
Heather Nelson
Art After Dark
Finn & Co Clothing
Sarah Hargrave
Heather Nelson – Paintings and Light shades
Art After Dark
Isle of Bohemia
Sarah Hargrave
Tucker Art – Wooden lamp art
White Night
QueenB Dolls
Isle of Bohemia
Art After Dark
QueenB Dolls
Art After Dark
Art After Dark
Sophie Blokker