Nic Tucker – Tucker Art

This is our latest post in a series of featured makers. We are introducing our makers one at a time and giving you a bit of a behind-the-scenes story and insights to their practice. Today we would like to introduce:

Nic Tucker

First up. Who are you and what do you do?

Nic Tucker, Napier

How and why did you get started (instead of getting a proper job like your mother told you)?

Graduated from Dunedin School of Art in 1992 Taught Art for 22yrs now live as a full time artist.

What was the first thing you made?

Always produced art for as long as I can remember started life drawing at 15

Who or what influences you or inspires you?

Too many to name but my first as a child was Rembrandt for his use of light and my first exhibition was Edvard Munch for his linear work and emotion.

What is your favourite part of making?

Drawing up the image on the block, then carving that image, then working out the colours and printing it up to see what it ends up looking like. The printing process is a adapted Japanese style woodblock, layering colour blocks until the final key image is printed. Then making another….

How do you market your business?

Facebook, different awesome galleries and wonderful shops my works are in, and word of mouth through people who have purchased the art works.

What tips do you have for others starting out in this game?

Work hard creating your product/art. Keep a turn over of new works. Put your works in a number of places by approaching curators with awesome shops/galleries. Step forward and believe in what you are doing.


If you could gift one of your creations to anyone living or dead. Who would that be and what would you give them? Why?

I like to make my work accessible to everyone/anyone who enjoys art.

Do you have any new ideas on the drawing board?

Always have new works in the pipeline… once I have finished creating one work and making a few in the edition I always begin a new image….. and so the cycle of art life goes on…

World Domination! How will you achieve it?

One work at a time, cool Galleries and shops, working my arse off but loving every minute of having a creative one.

What is next for you?

Just a continuation of what I am doing now. Developing new imagery.


Thanks for sharing your time and giving us an insight to your brand. We look forward to seeing your development and growth. Tucker Art can be found on Facebook and in-store at The Department of Curiosities and Fine Things in Napier, and other fine galleries and showcase spaces around New Zealand.



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