
This is our latest post in a series of featured makers. We are introducing our makers one at a time and giving you a bit of a behind-the-scenes story and insights to their practice. Today we would like to introduce:

Bara Reznickova of Byrez

First up. Who are you and what do you do?

Bara, CzechKiwi living in Hawke’s Bay and making recycled plastic bottle jewellery.

How and why did you get started (instead of getting a proper job like your mother told you)?

Well, I went to a Art and Design College in Brno, Czech Republic.
Then in my second year at Masaryk University I went for work and holiday in New Zealand where I met my partner. He followed me back to CZ and was so persuasive that I came back with him to New Zealand and settled here. The following years my creativity was mostly focused on children then couple of years ago I’ve decided that if not now than never and started making screen printed tote and produce bags. And last year I’ve began to work with the plastic bottles.

What was the first thing you made?

I don’t remember the first thing ever, but when I started with plastic I burned a hole to my bench table. Well it’s not a thing …. anyway …. next question please

Who or what influences you or inspires you?

Simple shapes, work of others, blank paper, my brain the trickster …

What is your favourite part of making?

When I’m just about to wake up and – there – an idea appears. So I guess my favourite part is coming up with new ideas.
Second favourite would have to be finishing the idea as they are not always doable.

How do you market your business?

Shops around NZ, FB, Instagram, Felt

What tips do you have for others starting out in this game?


If you could gift one of your creations to anyone living or dead. Who would that be and what would you give them? Why?

Uhh …tricky… probably my great-grandmother. She lived for a period of her life in Carpatho-Ukraine with my great-grandfather who was stationed there with the army. She was quite a lady and yet a badass (giving a birth on a pool table and other stories)

Do you have any new ideas on the drawing board?

I’m working on a necklaces at the moment

World Domination! How will you achieve it?

Music, dance and well (I don’t read a horoscope but) I’m an Aquarius and we rule!!!

What is next for you?

Gaining some new skills and experience in proper jewellery making so I could combine plastic with recycled metals.

Thanks for sharing your time and giving us an insight to your brand. We look forward to seeing your development and growth. Byrez can be found on their Felt shop , website and in-store at The Department of Curiosities and Fine Things in Napier, and other fine galleries and showcase spaces around New Zealand.



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